by phone:
House Landline
01382 505038
My house phone is currently out of order
U can contact me on my mobile
Please note if u call my landline and get my answer phone it does not record phone numbers so if u wish me to call u back u need to leave ur phone number
Please do not text me on my landline it won’t work
Please do not call me after 8pm
This is family time
Please text me on my mobile as I don’t always hear it ringing
by email:
[email protected]
I am currently having problems with my emails if anyone gets in touch by email and does not hear from me please call as I am sending out emails but they don't seem to be arriving.
House Landline
01382 505038
My house phone is currently out of order
U can contact me on my mobile
Please note if u call my landline and get my answer phone it does not record phone numbers so if u wish me to call u back u need to leave ur phone number
Please do not text me on my landline it won’t work
Please do not call me after 8pm
This is family time
Please text me on my mobile as I don’t always hear it ringing
by email:
[email protected]
I am currently having problems with my emails if anyone gets in touch by email and does not hear from me please call as I am sending out emails but they don't seem to be arriving.